As an extreme example of nerddom, I play Dungeons and Dragons by myself. (It's either that, or not play at all.) My true love is world-building. I spend hours creating geography, histories, calendars, characters, general plotlines, and rule variants. But I do get around to actually playing once in a while, which is the whole point. It's a bit of a schizophrenic experience, being PC, NPC, and DM all at once, but I do okay.
This page serves to document only my main storyline, not the entire world of Tellure. The notes here started out as occasional highlight descriptions in emails to a couple friends (reconstructed now into vol. 0s), then a period of stand-alone emails documenting the experience (vols. 1 - 5, trying to hit a stride), and finally just this site. Most of it is probably mind-numbingly boring, but feel free to wander around.
SD Emporium : Tellurian Tales |
Last Edited: 06 Apr 2009 ©2006 by Z. Tomaszewski |