But all I found on the coast was a dead fish.

Me, stroking the fish.

I was exhausted and yet no relief seemed near. I felt as if I had searched to the very edge of the earth in vain.

Me, on the edge.

In my distress, my thoughts turned to my most excellent friend, Brett Becker. Perhaps he could help me! With the last of my money, I booked passage to America and hitchhiked to Michigan to see him.

I explained my problem and he nodded in sympathy. We stood around and thought about it...

Me, standing with Brett.

... but we didn't think of anything.

We sat and thought about it...

Me, sitting with Brett.

...but still no ideas came.

Realizing that I was broke and that Brett could not loan me enough money to cover my real estate losses, I left Michigan to continue my quest.


SD Emporium : Jenny's Birthday Present
Last Edited: 30 Jan 2000
©1999 by Z. Tomaszewski.