I stood very still there on the shore for a long time. I watched the waves crashing against the rocks. I watched the ocean birds flying above me. I felt the breeze in my hair. And slowly, very slowly, I began to smile again.

Reaching into my pocket, I counted what coins I had. Tossing a penny into the sea, I made a wish for you. With the rest, I managed to buy an old, second-hand, arthritic camel with an attitude problem...

Me, heading home.

... but it was enough to get me home.

It felt good to get home. My family was glad to seem me again.

Me, home again.

And so I went back to doing those things I had done before my journey--living in my room, playing around on the computer, reading novels, sleeping.

But what of my revelation, you may ask. What was it that I realized as I stood on those cliffs staring into the sea? Well, it was precisely this...


SD Emporium : Jenny's Birthday Present
Last Edited: 30 Jan 2000
©1999 by Z. Tomaszewski.