The World of Tor-Lomlin

The following is system of descriptions, spells, optional and additional rules, and other miscellania for the use of GURPS to role-play in the world of Tor-Lomlin.

Brett Becker
World creation, language, politics, geography, and general Game Mastering
Zach Tomaszewki
Magic system creation, spell-editings, assistant-GMing, and webmastering

Latest news

General GURPS Info

World Info

Legacy Notes

These are old, out-dated documents. They're helpful for us to go back and find any good ideas we lost along the way, or to just see how far we've come.

Magic System

Online Chat, Emails, and Planning Discussions

The following are a few select chat sessions. (The ones I remembered to save.) They include a lot of other discussion besides the game world.

These are the emails. Again, not every email dealing with the world is here. Like the chats, they often include other info. Those emails starting with a B are from Brett; Z's are from Zach.

SD Consortium : SD Emporium : World of Tor-Lomlin
Last Edited: 12 May 2003
©2002-2003 by Z. Tomaszewski and B. Becker.